Wednesday 28 December 2011


Tak lihat, tak dengar maka tak cinta.

Navy The Best

Tuesday 27 December 2011

"BANGGA BERKHIDMAT" Menjadi Nilai Teras Navy People

nilai teras 1
Navy People

Pada suatu ketika dahulu kita sering disajikan dengan lagu-lagu berbentuk patriotik seperti Barisan Kita, Tanjung Puteri, Bahtera Merdeka yang secara tidak langsung membangkitkan semangat kecintaan terhadap tanah air kita. Patriotik bukan saja perjuangan tetapi menyemarakkan kecintaan kepada tanah air. Seni katanya yang indah membuatkan ia tak lekang dibibir mulut rakyat. Sewaktu bulan Kemerdekaan pula kita sekali lagi akan didendangkan dengan pelbagai lagu-lagu patriotic yang mana tidak lain bertujuan untuk menanam semangat patriotik dan rasa cinta kepada Negara, bukan dengan cara paksaan, tetapi secara sukarela menyambut kelahiran Malaysia sebagai negara yang merdeka.

Mengambil pendekatan tersebut, kepimpinan TLDM sekali lagi telah membawa satu wadah baru dalam memartabatkan imej Navy People. Kelahiran lagu Nilai Teras iaitu Bangga berkhidmat telah berjaya dirakamkan oleh KOSWA dengan kerjasama Orkestra RTM di studio Angkasapuri Kuala Lumpur pada 30 Nov yang lalu.  Lagu Nilai Teras TLDM, yang diberi nama Bangga Berkhidmat telah dilancarkan oleh Panglima Tentera Laut sempena Hari Inovasi TLDM 2011 pada 16 Ogos 2011. Lagu yang dicipta dengan kerjasama antara Bahagian Pengurusan Strategik dan Badan Kesenian TLDM ini, selain menjadi salah satu lagu rasmi TLDM ianya juga diyakini mampu menerap budaya positif sekaligus mencerminkan keperibadian Navy People secara umumnya. Apa yang istimewanya, lagu ini mendapat sentuhan peribadi Panglima Tentera Laut yang dicipta khusus untuk menyemarakkan lagi penghayatan, penerapan dan pengamalan nilai-nilai teras yang telah ditetapkan di dalam TLDM iaitu 4 Nilai Teras TLDM ‘Kemuliaan’, ‘Kesetiaan’, ‘Keberanian’ dan ‘Kebanggan’. Navy The Best yakin lagu ‘Bangga Berkhidmat’ ini akan sentiasa bermain dibibir mahupun ingatan apabila ianya dinyanyikan.

Berteraskan Empat Nilai Murni,
Jadi Pemangkin Visi dan Misi,
Menjana Tekad Untuk Berbakti,
Bangga Berkhidmat Sentiasa Disegani,

Kemuliaan, Berhati Luhur,
Kesetiaan, Patuh dan Taat,
Keberanian, Sedia Berkorban,
Kebanggaan, Rela Berkhidmat,

Ikrar Kami Sekata,
Berkhidmat Dengan Bangga,
Capai Wawasan Mulia,
Tentera Laut Bertaraf Dunia.

TLDM hari ini nampak nyata sebagai contoh kepada ketiga-tiga cabang perkhidmatan ATM kerana mampu membawa kemajuan dalam aspek inovasi.

Navy The Best

Saturday 24 December 2011

Wish You All A Merry Christmas

Navy The Best wish all Christian's friends Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Navy The Best.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Some Of Our Jargons

Every profession has its own jargon and same goes to the Navy. For the Navy, it's bulkhead, deck and overhead and not wall, floor, and ceiling. Some nautical terminology has found its way into everyday use. Anyhow, as time passed by some of it was forgotten especially by the young “Chikus”. Let us share some of our terminology:

Above Board
The term today means someone who is honest, forthright. It's origin comes from the days when pirates would masquerade as honest merchantmen, hiding most of their crew behind the bulwark (side of the ship on the upper deck). They hid below the boards.

This old traditional greeting for hailing other vessels was originally a Viking battle cry.

In wooden ships, the"devil" was the longest seam of the ship. It ran from the bow to the stern. When at sea and the "devil" had to be caulked, the sailor sat in a bo'sun's chair to do so. He was suspended between the "devil" and the sea the "deep" a very precarious position, especially when the ship was underway.

Chewing the Fat
"God made the vittles but the devil made the cook," was a popular saying used by seafaring men in the 19th century when salted beef was staple diet aboard ship. This tough cured beef, suitable only for long voyages when nothing else was cheap or would keep as well (remember, there was no refrigeration), required prolonged chewing to make it edible. Men often chewed one chunk for hours, just as it were chewing gum and referred to this practice as "chewing the fat."

Crow's Nest
The raven, or crow, was an essential part of the Vikings' navigation equipment. These land-lubbing birds were carried on aboard to help the ship's navigator determine where the closest land lay when weather prevented sighting the shore. In cases of poor visibility, a crow was released and the navigator plotted a course corresponding to the bird's flight path because the crow invariably headed towards land.
The Norsemen carried the birds in a cage secured to the top of the mast. Later on, as ships grew and the lookout stood his watch in a tub located high on the main mast, the name "crow's nest" was given to this tub. While today's Navy still uses lookouts in addition to radars, etc., the crow's nest is a thing of the past.

Cup of Joe
Josephus Daniels (18 May 1862-15 January 1948) was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Among his reforms of the Navy were inaugurating the practice of making 100 Sailors from the Fleet eligible for entrance into the Naval Academy, the introduction of women into the service, and the abolishment of the officers' wine mess. From that time on, the strongest drink aboard Navy ships could only be coffee and over the years, a cup of coffee became known as "a cup of Joe".

Devil to Pay
Today the expression "devil to pay" is used primarily to describe having an unpleasant result from some action that has been taken, as in someone has done something they shouldn't have and, as a result, "there will be the devil to pay." Originally, this expression described one of the unpleasant tasks aboard a wooden ship.
The "devil" was the wooden ship's longest seam in the hull. Caulking was done with "pay" or pitch (a kind of tar). The task of "paying the devil" (caulking the longest seam) by squatting in the bilges was despised by every seaman.

Eight Bells
Aboard Navy ships, bells are struck to designate the hours of being on watch. Each watch is four hours in length. One bell is struck after the first half-hour has passed, two bells after one hour has passed, three bells after an hour and a half, four bells after two hours, and so forth up to eight bells are struck at the completion of the four hours. Completing a watch with no incidents to report was "Eight bells and all is well."
The practice of using bells stems from the days of the sailing ships. Sailors couldn't afford to have their own time pieces and relied on the ship's bells to tell time. The ship's boy kept time by using a half-hour glass. Each time the sand ran out, he would turn the glass over and ring the appropriate number of bells.

Fathom was originally a land measuring term derived from the Ango-Saxon word "faetm" meaning to embrace. In those days, most measurements were based on average size of parts of the body, such as the hand (horses are still measured this way) or the foot (that's why 12 inches are so named). A fathom is the average distance from fingertip to fingertip of the outstretched arms of a man — about six feet. Since a man stretches out his arms to embrace his sweetheart, Britain's Parliament declared that distance be called a "fathom" and it be a unit of measure. A fathom remains six feet. The word was also used to describe taking the measure or "to fathom" something. Today, of course, when one is trying to figure something out, they are trying to "fathom" it.

If you are sad and describe yourself as "feeling blue," you are using a phrase coined from a custom among many old deepwater sailing ships. If the ship lost the captain or any of the officers during its voyage, she would fly blue flags and have a blue band painted along her entire hull when returning to home port.

The appropriate pronunciation for this word is fo'ksul. The forecastle is the forward part of the main deck. It derives its name from the days of Viking galleys when wooden castles were built on the forward and after parts the main deck from which archers and other fighting men could shoot arrows and throw spears, rocks, etc.

The galley is the kitchen of the ship. The best explanation as to its origin is that it is a corruption of "gallery". Ancient sailors cooked their meals on a brick or stone gallery laid amidships.

Gun Salutes
Gun salutes were first fired as an act of good faith. In the days when it took so long to reload a gun, it was a proof of friendly intention when the ship's cannon were discharged upon entering port.

The "head" aboard a Navy ship is the bathroom. The term comes from the days of sailing ships when the place for the crew to relieve themselves was all the way forward on either side of the bowsprit, the integral part of the hull to which the figurehead was fastened.

He Knows the Ropes
In the very early days, this phrase was written on a seaman's discharge to indicate that he was still a novice. All he knew about being a sailor was just the names and uses of the principal ropes (lines). Today, this same phrase means the opposite — that the person fully knows and understands the operation (usually of the organization).

The last Navy ships with teak decks were the battleships, now since decommissioned. Teak, and other wooden decks, were scrubbed with a piece of sandstone, nicknamed at one time by an anonymous witty sailor as the "holystone." It was so named because since its use always brought a man to his knees, it must be holy! However, holystones were banned by the Navy by General Order Number 215 of 5 March 1931 because they wore down the expensive teak decks too fast.

The term meaning everything is O.K. was coined from a street named "Honki-Dori" in Yokohama, Japan. Since the inhabitants of this street catered to the pleasures of sailors, it is easy to understand why the street's name became synonymous for anything that is enjoyable or at least satisfactory. And, the logical follow-on is "Okey-dokey."

Today it means to be dull or without pep. It comes from the days of sail when a ship was becalmed and rode on an even keel .... without the port or starbord list experienced under a good breeze. No wind, no list; no list, lifeless.

Log Book
In the early days of sailing ships, the ship's records were written on shingles cut from logs. These shingles were hinged and opened like a book. The record was called the "log book." Later on, when paper was readily available and bound into books, the record maintained it name.

Long Shot
Today it's a gambling term for an event that would take an inordinate amount of luck. It's origins are nautical. Because ships' guns in early days were very inaccurate except at close quarters, it was an extremely lucky shot that would find its target from any great distance.

"Mayday" is the internationally recognized voice radio signal for ships and people in serious trouble at sea. Made official in 1948, it is an anglicizing of the Frenchm'aidez, "help me".

No Quarter
"No quarter given" means that one gives his opponent no opportunity to surrender. It stems from the old custom by which officers, upon surrender, could ransom themselves by paying one quarter of a year's pay.

Pea Coat
Sailors who have to endure pea-soup weather often don their pea coats but the coat's name isn't derived from the weather. The heavy topcoat worn in cold, miserable weather by seafaring men was once tailored from pilot cloth — a heavy, course, stout kind of twilled blue cloth with the nap on one side. The cloth was sometimes called P-cloth for the initial letter of "pilot" and the garment made from it was called a p-jacket — later, a pea coat. The term has been used since 1723 to denote coats made from that cloth.

Port holes
The word "port hole" originated during the reign of Henry VI of England (1485). King Henry insisted on mounting guns too large for his ship and the traditional methods of securing these weapons on the forecastle and aftcastle could not be used.
A French shipbuilder named James Baker was commissioned to solve the problem. He put small doors in the side of the ship and mounted the cannon inside the ship. These doors protected the cannon from weather and were opened when the cannon were to be used. The French word for "door" is "porte" which was later Anglicized to "port" and later went on to mean any opening in the ship's side, whether for cannon or not.

The origin of the word "scuttlebutt," which is nautical parlance for a rumor, comes from a combination of "scuttle" — to make a hole in the ship's hull and thereby causing her to sink —- and "butt" — a cask or hogshead used in the days of wooden ships to hold drinking water. The cask from which the ship's crew took their drinking water — like a water fountain — was the "scuttlebutt". Even in today's Navy a drinking fountain is referred to as such. But, since the crew used to congregate around the "scuttlebutt", that is where the rumors about the ship or voyage would begin. Thus, then and now, rumors are talk from the "scuttlebutt" or just "scuttlebutt".

Contrary to popular notion, the letters S.O.S. do not stand for "Save Our Ship" or "Save Our Souls". They were selected to indicate a distress because, in Morse code, these letters and their combination create an unmistakable sound pattern.

Splice the Main Brace
In the age of sail, ship's rigging was a favorite target during sea battles because destroying the opponent's ability to maneuver or get away would put you at obvious advantage. Therefore, the first and most important task after a battle was to repair damaged rigging (also known as lines- but never "rope"!). Examples of lines include braces (lines that adjust the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind) and stays (lines supporting the masts). The main brace was the principal line controlling the rotation of the main sail. Splicing this line was one of the most difficult chores aboard ship, and one on which the ship's safety depended. It was the custom, after the main brace was properly spliced, to serve grog to the entire crew. Thus, today, after a hard day (or, not so hard day), the phrase has become an invitation to have a drink.

The Vikings called the side of their ship its board, and they placed the steering oar, the "star" on the right side of the ship, thus that side became known as the "star board." It's been that way ever since. And, because the oar was in the right side, the ship was tied to the dock at the left side. This was known as the loading side or "larboard". Later, it was decided that "larboard" and "starboard" were too similar, especially when trying to be heard over the roar of a heavy sea, so the phrase became the "side at which you tied up to in port" or the "port" side.

Taken Aback
One of the hazards faced in days of sailing ships has been incorporated into English to describe someone who has been jolted by unpleasant news. We say that person has been "taken aback." The person is at a momentary loss; unable to act or even to speak. A danger faced by sailing ships was for a sudden shift in wind to come up (from a sudden squall), blowing the sails back against the masts, putting the ship in grave danger of having the masts break off and rendering the ship totally helpless. The ship was taken aback.

Three Mile Limit
The original three-mile limit was the recognized distance from a nation's shore over which that nation had jurisdiction. This border of international waters or the "high seas" was established because, at the time this international law was established, three miles was the longest range of any nation's most powerful guns, and therefore, the limit from shore batteries at which they could enforce their laws. (International law and the 1988 Territorial Sea Proclamation established the "high seas" border at the 12-mile limit.)

We use the term "three sheets to the wind" to describe someone who has too much to drink. As such, they are often bedraggled with perhaps shirttails out, clothes a mess. The reference is to a sailing ship in disarray, that is with sheets (lines — not "ropes" — that adjust the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind ) flapping loosely in the breeze.

Took the wind out of his sails
Often we use "took the wind out of his sails" to describe getting the best of an opponent in an argument. Originally it described a battle maneuver of sailing ships. One ship would pass close to its adversary and on its windward side. The ship and sails would block the wind from the second vessel, causing it to lose headway. Losing motion meant losing maneuverability and the ability to carry on a fight.

When the French burned the town of Brighton, England, in the 1500s, King Henry VIII send Admiral Wallop to retaliate and teach the French a lesson. He so thoroughly wrecked the French coasts, that ever since, a devestating blow is said to be an "awful wallop."

Traditionally, a 24-hour day is divided into seven watches. These are: midnight to 4 a.m. [0000-0400], the mid-watch; 4 to 8 a.m. [0400-0800], morning watch; 8 a.m. to noon [0800-1200], forenoon watch; noon to 4 p.m. [1200-1600], afternoon watch; 4 to 6 p.m. [1600-1800] first dog watch; 6 to 8 p.m. [1800-2000], second dog watch; and, 8 p.m. to midnight [2000-2400], evening watch. The half hours of the watch are marked by the striking the bell an appropriate number of times.

Navy The Best

Friday 9 December 2011


PAMERAN Udara dan Maritim Antarabangsa Langkawi (LIMA) 2010 menjadi tarikan utama negara dimana pameran dwitahunan itu dibahagikan pada dua segmen yang berlainan yang mana pameran udara diadakan di Pusat Pameran Antarabangsa Mahsuri (MIEC) yang berdekatan dengan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Langkawi, manakala segmen maritim berlangsung di Awana Porto Malai. LIMA merupakan ilham bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia keempat, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dengan pameran yang pertama telah diadakan pada tahun 1991. Kini, LIMA telah berubah dan menjadi satu tempat terbaik bagi pengeluar dan industri yang berkaitan dalam bidang udara (aeroangkasa) dan maritim khususnya pertahanan untuk mempromosikan teknologi terkini kepada para pemimpin awam dan tentera di Malaysia dan negara-negara Asia Pasifik. 

LIMA 2010 menyaksikan TLDM mempamerkan kapal sebanyak 11 buah kapal dan kapal-kapal asing sebanyak 12 buah. Kapal-kapal milik TLDM ialah KD LEKIU, KD JEBAT, KD MAHAWANGSA, KD SELANGOR, KD KELANTAN, KD LAKSAMANA TAN PUSMAH, KD LAKSAMANA HANG NADIM, KD MAHAMIRU, KD PERANTAU, KD PENDEKAR, KD LEDANG.

Kehadiran kapal-kapal perang termasuk kapal tentera laut asing di perairan Langkawi berjaya menarik kehadiran ramai pengunjung ke pameran maritim. Sebanyak 24 kapal perang mengadakan pertunjukan statik maritim di Awana Porto Malai .Lebih menarik, orang ramai berpeluang melihat kapal selam Malaysia iaitu KD Tun Razak yang turut berlabuh di Awana Porto Malai.

Lebih menarik, selain perbarisan kapal-kapal statik, Awana Porto Malai turut dimeriahkan dengan demonstrasi melibatkan laut dan udara yang menarik ribuan pengunjung hadir ke LIMA kali ini. Pertunjukan itu melibatkan beberapa pasukan dan agensi seperti APMM, Polis Marin, Kastam dan Pasukan Khas Laut (Paskal) TLDM. Kesemuanya menampilkan pelbagai formasi dan gaya pertunjukan yang menarik untuk tontonan orang ramai yang hadir ke Awana Porto Malai.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Hampir 600 orang pengunjung telah membanjiri Pameran Kerjaya TLDM yang telah diadakan di Awana Porto Malai pada hari pertama ia dibuka. Pameran Kerjaya TLDM yang diadakan bersempena LIMA’ 11 dibuka sehingga 10 Dis 11 setiap hari bermula jam 9 pagi hingga 5 petang.

Pameran Kerjaya TLDM berkonsepkan laluan kerjaya iaitu paparan informasi mengenai latihan dan kepakaran bermula menyertai TLDM sehingga bersara telah menarik minat orang ramai yang berkunjung ke pameran tersebut. Pengunjung juga diberi penerangan berkenaan tugas dan peranan TLDM.

Selain dari itu, bagi mereka yang ingin menyertai TLDM,  pemilihan awal pengambilan Perajurit Muda TLDM sesi 2012 turut diadakan di pameran tersebut.

Pameran ini telah mendapat sambutan luar biasa walaupun dalam cuaca yang panas kerana pelbagai acara menarik telah diselitkan khusus untuk orang ramai yang datang antaranya demonstrasi kulinari dari anggota TLDM kepakaran Bendari. Pengunjung juga berkesempatan untuk mencuba sendiri proses kulinari tersebut seperti membuat ukiran buah-buahan.

Tunggu apa lagi.moh ler kiter ke saner!!


Persidangan Meja Bulat Panglima-Panglima Tentera Laut yang diadakan sempena LIMA 11 telah diadakan pada hari ini bertempat di Pusat Pameran Antarabangsa Mahsuri.  YB Dato’ Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia, telah menyampaikan ucaptama dalam persidangan tersebut yang melibatkan seramai enam orang panglima tentera laut, 14 orang wakil panglima tentera laut asing dan seramai  249 perserta dari agensi-agensi kerajaaan serta wakil industri pertahanan dalam dan luar negara.

YBhg PTL sebagai Moderator

Persidangan Meja Bulat Panglima-Panglima Tentera Laut menampilkan panglima-panglima tentera laut asing sebagai penceramah jemputan iaitu Laksamana Madya Scott H Swift; Commander US 7th Fleet, Laksamana Madya Ray Griggs; Panglima Tentera Laut Diraja Australia, Laksamana Madya Orwen J Cortez; Timbalan Panglima Tentera Laut Filipina dan Laksamana Muda Ng Chee Peng; Ketua Angkatan Laut Republik Singapura manakala moderator  persidangan digalas oleh Laksamana  YBhg Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Hj Jaafar; Panglima Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia.

Pertukaran Cenderamata oleh Delegasi
Antara isu yang dibincangakan semasa Persidangan Meja Bulat Panglima-Panglima Tentera Laut ialah mengenai kerjasama pelaksanaan operasi anti-perlanunan yang dilaksanakan di perairan Teluk Aden oleh negara-negara terlibat serta cabaran-cabaran yang ditempuhi di lapangan. Selain itu, persidangan tersebut turut mengupas aspek-aspek penguatkuasaan undang-undang maritim antarabangsa dalam membenteras masalah perlanunan di Somalia serta perbincangan tentang hala tuju dalam membantu kerajaan sementara Somalia (Trasitional Federal Government of Somalia).

Bergambar Bersama PTL Negara Asing yang Terlibat
Persidangan Meja Bulat Panglima-Panglima Tentera Laut juga telah melihat beberapa pendekatan proaktif dalam perkongsian maklumat dan   mengintegrasikan rangka kerja tentera-tentera laut yang terlibat sebagai usaha menjamin keselamatan laluan maritim antarabangsa  dan seterusnya mengurangkan statistik  rompakan/ perlanunan yang semakin meningkat bukan sahaja di perairan Afrika Timur malahan di seluruh dunia.

Gambar Kenangan Bersama Semua Delegasi
Sumber: Portal TLDM

Tuesday 29 November 2011



Kapal Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) telah berjaya menahan dua buah bot nelayan dari Pantai Labu, Belawan pada 26 November 2011 sekitar jam 9 pagi. Bot tersebut telah dikesan sedang menangkap ikan dalam kawasan perairan Malaysia iaitu  41 batu nautika utara Pulau Jarak. Terdapat tujuh orang awak-awak bersama dua orang tekong yang tidak mempunyai pengenalan diri yang sah semasa bot tersebut ditahan. Turut ditemui bersama bot  tersebut adalah 150kg ikan yang ditangkap dalam kawasan milik negara. Bot-bot tersebut telah dibawa ke Lumut dan akan diserahkan pada pihak APMM untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
Bot nelayan Indon yang ditangkap

Bot-bot tersebut telah ditemui pada sekitar jam 10 pagi oleh Kapal Diraja PENDEKAR, semasa dalam rondaan Op PATKOR MALINDO. Op PATKOR MALINDO merupakan satu operasi bersama TLDM dan Tentera Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) yang berlangsung selama sembilan hari iaitu dari 21 hingga 30 November 2011. Op PATKOR MALINDO melibatkan empat buah kapal, masing-masing dua buah dari setiap negara iaitu KD PENDEKAR DAN KD GANYANG dari TLDM dan KRI BOA dan KRI SILIMAN dari TNI-AL.


Majlis Sambutan Hari Inovasi dan Integriti peringkat Kementerian Pertahanan bagi tahun 2011 dengan tema ‘Kreativiti Pencetus Inovasi’ telah dilaksanakan dengan jayanya bertempat di Auditorium Kementerian Pertahanan pagi ini. Majlis telah disempurnakan oleh YB Dato’ Dr. Abdul Latif bin Ahmad, Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan.

Pertandingan Anugerah Inovasi Kementerian Pertahanan pada tahun ini telah menyaksikan sejumlah 64 penyertaan dari ketiga-tiga cabang perkhidmatan Darat, Laut dan Udara serta perkhidmatan awam. Anugerah ini diadakan bertujuan untuk memberi pengiktirafan kepada hasil inovasi yang diperkenalkan oleh Bahagian/Cawangan/Markas/Formasi/Pangkalan/ Pasukan. Selain itu, ia juga memupuk budaya kreatif dan inovasi dalam amalan kerja seharian seterusnya memperkenalkan hasil-hasil inovasi yang boleh dicontohi oleh agensi lain bagi menyumbang kepada peningkatan kualiti penyampaian terhadap pengurusan pelanggan. 

TLDM telah dinobatkan sebagai pemenang tempat pertama bagi kategori Pengurusan Projek melalui Depot Peluru dan Letupan TLDM (projek MINUE MOD38, markah sebanyak 90.60%), diikuti dengan tempat kedua iaitu Cawangan Materiel, Pangkalan Udara Gong Kedak (projek BD3/MBD3 Test Panel, markah sebanyak 82.36%) dan tempat ketiga dari Jabatan Arah Jurutera, Markas Tentera Darat (projek Jiwa Murni Menaiktaraf Jalan Balak dari Long Lopeng ke Ba’kelalan Sarawak, markah sebanyak 80.70%).

Manakala Markas Angkatan Kapal Selam (projek Sound Analysis Integrated Training System (SAINT), markah sebanyak 78.60%) turut memenangi tempat pertama bagi kategori Pengurusan Sumber Manusia, diikuti dengan tempat kedua iaitu Bahagian Pengurusan Sumber Manusia (projek Klinik Kaunseling 1 Mindef, markah sebanyak 77.38%) dan tempat ketiga oleh Cawangan Sumber Manusia, Markas Tentera Darat (projek TDM V1 KLIK, markah sebanyak 74.50%). 

Bagi kategori Pengurusan Teknologi Maklumat pula, sekali lagi TLDM meraih tempat pertama melalui Pusat Hidrografi Nasional (projek Carta Panduarah Elektronik (MYENC), markah 79.25%), diikuti oleh Bahagian Staf Perisikan Pertahanan,Markas Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) (projek Cryptographic Equipment for Information System (CEIS5.1), markah 79%) di tempat kedua dan Pangkalan Udara Subang (projek E-Publication Management System (EPMS), markah 77.13%) di tempat ketiga.

Sesungguhnya, usaha untuk terus berinovasi ini tidak terhad kepada prosedur dan proses kerja malahan setiap individu ATM perlu mempunyai sikap berinovasi dalam berfikir, berfikiran terbuka, dinamik serta kreatif. Dalam arus globalisasi, inovasi dan kreativiti merupakan faktor utama yang membezakan kecemerlangan bagi sesebuah organisasi. Seiring dengan transformasi kerajaan dalam menjadikan budaya inovasi sebagai teras kecemerlangan, ATM turut berusaha dalam mengambil langkah yang sewajarnya untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai inovasi dalam pelbagai skop tugas seharian agar memperolehi output yang lebih signifikan dari semasa ke semasa.

Well done and Bravo Zulu to TLDM.


Tuesday 22 November 2011


How much did the Malaysian taxpayer pay for the Agosta-class submarine? When was it purchased and when was it decided to hand it over to Ali Rustam?
Why has there been no mention of the Ouessant until we hear that it will be made into part of Malacca’s maritime museum? Gaining ownership of the Ouessant is akin to learning to drive in a 20-year-old Proton Saga, then buying the car for RM200,000 only to use it as a reban ayam (chicken coop).
Mariam Mokhtar, Free Malaysia Today
When the Malaysian government signed a deal in 2002 with the joint naval builders, DCNS of France and Navantia of Spain, to commission two Scorpene-class submarines, it did not realise that the purchases would create an international scandal.
The controversy surrounding the Scorpene-class submarines refuses to sink into oblivion. Now, attention is focused on the little known Agosta-class submarine, the Ouessant (S623), which was completed in 1978 and served the French navy until she was decommissioned in 2001. It appears Malaysia also owns the Ouessant.
A few readers may recall very sketchy details about a third submarine which was used to train the Malaysian submariners. That was the Agosta-class Ouessant, which the “Asia Sentinel” described in its reporting on the Scorpene scandal as a “retired submarine manufactured by a joint venture between DCN and Spanish company Agosta”.
Opposition politicians have bombarded Umno with questions about the submarine deal but have been thwarted by unintelligent and conflicting answers from the Defence Ministry.
Now, the curious case of the Agosta-class submarine, the Ouessant (S623), is only just surfacing.
“The Asia Sentinel” stated in April 2010 that this third ageing submarine was leased for training purposes.
However, we are now told that the Malaysian Navy has bought the Ouessant, the Agosta-class submarine.
If so when? And, for how much?
Why has there been no mention of the Ouessant until we hear that it will be made into part of Malacca’s maritime museum? Gaining ownership of the Ouessant is akin to learning to drive in a 20-year-old Proton Saga, then buying the car for RM200,000 only to use it as a reban ayam (chicken coop).
So, was the Agosta thrown in as as sweetener for the purchase of the two Scorpenes? Did the French try to appease the Malaysians because one of the Scorpenes was faulty?
Malaysians first read of the Agosta-class submarine in a rather obscure report by Bernama on April 22, 2011, when the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) chief Admiral Abdul Aziz Jaafar said that the Ouessant was unsuitable for naval operations but would be converted into a museum piece to show the progress made by the RMN.
Abdul Aziz said, “We are expecting its arrival in August. There will be a signing ceremony between the Defence Ministry secretary-general and the French side before it is handed over to us.
“It is a second-hand submarine we bought for training RMN personnel. Now that its services are no longer needed, it will be brought to the Lumut naval base in August”.

RM12.6 million museum project

Abdul Aziz explained that the Ouessant had been used as a training submarine for the submariners of the two Scorpene-class submarines KD Tunku Abdul Rahman and KD Tun Abdul Razak, which were commissioned in 2009 and 2010.
Then on the Sept 23, the Malaysian Ambassador to France, Abdul Aziz Zainal and the Director of International Development in the French Defence Ministry Yves Blanc, signed the documents for the transfer of ownership of the Ouessant.
The submarine was then transported on a floating dock to Malaysia in early October in an operation organised by Felda Transport. After being at sea for 32 days, the Ouessant arrived off the Malacca coast.
Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam said that the submarine would be transported to the exhibition site at the 1Malaysia Square, Klebang.
During the site visit, Ali explained that the Malacca government had been given custody of the French-made Ouessant. The submarine museum project, he said, had cost RM12.6 million and would attract more tourists to Malacca.